How do I configure the sprint burn-down chart to show task hours rather than story points completed?

Josh Hewitt December 25, 2019


I want to view my burn down chart by task hours as this is better for making decisions. I've found this article,


But I'm not given the button option in my right top corner to configure my board to do so. Not sure what's going on here.




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Jack Brickey
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December 25, 2019

You may be using a Next-gen project. Do you see “Features” under project settings? If so that is indeed a NG project in which case this article applies - We-are-reinventing-the-Sprint-burndown-for-next-gen-projects 

Josh Hewitt December 26, 2019

I understand this, I am using a NGP. My point here is in this article.

"Estimation statistic: The vertical axis represents the estimation statistic that was selected. Currently, only story points exist for the estimation of each issue. Issue count can also be used."

I need to select time in hours spent on issues for the vertical axis, not story points or issues. I could also do it another way by breaking down each story into sub tasks, then assigning story points to those sub tasks. But that option is not available either.

This account is for my personal life so I am the only one using it. A story worth 13 story points takes a bit longer than some other charts I've seen. This is what my first sprint looks like, there's not a whole lot I can do with it.

Josh Hewitt December 26, 2019

Sprint Burndown Stroy Points.PNG

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 26, 2019

I guess I’m confused. It seems you are trying to do something that is contrary to what the documentation conveys as supported. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

Josh Hewitt December 28, 2019

Yes, and I'm having a hard time trying to find dashboard gadget addon that would allow me to do this as well.

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