How can I avoid having 'Removed Fields' when switching from one issue type scheme to another?

sudesh varma
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December 17, 2020

Hi, I am currently working to switch my project from one Issue Type Scheme to another.

Some of the issue types in the old scheme will not be used in the new scheme. However, to not lose the issues with these issue types in the new structure, I have created placeholder issue types in the new scheme.

Now, at the time of switching the project from old issue type scheme to the new one, I have mapped the issue types that will not be used from the old one to the placeholder issue types and for each of them, I saw a confirmation that the old values will be retained. When I get to the summary step where I review and confirm I see a set of fields that will be removed, how can I avoid these and ensure that all fields in the old issue type get retained in the new placeholder issue type?


JIRA Issue Type Scheme Question.jpg

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John Funk
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December 17, 2020

Hi Sudesh - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

You need to insure that the Context for each of those fields is available to the Issue Type that you are moving to. 

Go to Settings > Issues > Custom Fields

Search for the field and then click the 3 dots menu on the right side. 

Select Context and default value

sudesh varma
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December 18, 2020

Thanks so much for the answer, John! It's very helpful.

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John Funk
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December 18, 2020

Great! I am glad I could help a little. 

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