How can I add Xray Issue Types to my jira next-gen project?

Adilson Atalla
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January 3, 2019

I created a new project on Jira next-gen and I'm trying to configure the x-ray on the project.

The problem is that is not possible to add the x-ray issues type on the project, so this blocks me to create a test coverage for my tasks.

Is it possible or not yet? If not, there is any plan to make it available on Jira next-gent?


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Soumya Chaturvedi
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February 17, 2020


Could you please confirm if X Ray can be used to support "Test" issue type for next gen projects ? Or If JIRA server supports test issue type for next gen projects ? 


Soumya Chaturvedi 

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Inês Silva
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January 8, 2019

Hi Adilson,

Currently, we don't support the new Next-Gen projects. We expect to be able to support these new projects in the future as soon as possible. But, this implementation will require a big and complex change in Xray application and we are still working on that.

Best Regards,

The Xray Team

Adam Sterling
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February 22, 2019

Is there a timeline on this? We are evaluating Xray and are soon moving to next-gen projects. A fix/update for this is important for my organization & me.

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Vratislav Jindra
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April 4, 2019

Still no info on this? We were also evaluating Xray, but since we want to use next-gen projects on JIRA, Xray is sadly not a viable option for us. There is a mention of next-gen projects at the Xray configuration docs (, but it seems very outdated. Some pictures are even missing from the documentation. With this approach there is no way we're choosing Xray. Test Management for JIRA seems to be a better option for now.

Joao Mendonca
May 15, 2019

Hi all,


Xray already supports Next Projects since 28th March release :)


Best regards,


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Antonio de Perio
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May 19, 2019

Hi @Joao Mendonca I also am looking for Next-gen support, and am also evaluating X-ray. I can create all test entities in a next-gen project but I can't seem to setup requirements and test coverage on my next-gen scrum project. I have existing tests that I have created, and I'd like to link them to a Story for coverage. I have setup stories as a covered entity in the Xray configuration, but I always get the status on my Story as "uncovered"

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Chris December 6, 2019

@Joao Mendonca We use xray, but why does it not add test and the rest of the xray issue types to a next gen project when it is configured?  Why do we have to add issue types by hand?

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Marc Smaak April 21, 2022

I have multiple Team manged projects. I created the XRAY issue types for one project and this works. However now I want to start using XRAY for a different teammanged project too. Do I indeed need to create the issue types again for this project or can I somehow reuse issue types for all team-managed projects?

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Sébastien Diard
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January 12, 2022

I've found a workaround for this problem, when you use a Team-Managed Project (old next gen project).


1 - Create manually the issue types you need in your project (old next gen project) : Test, Precondition, Test Set, Test Plan, Test Execution.

2 - Map them in the Issue Types Mapping page.

3 - Create a new Company-managed project (old Classic Project). In this type of project, the issue types are natively implemented.

4 - Create a test in this company-managed project.

5 - In any user story of your team-managed project, add an existing test and select the one you've created in the company-managed project.

6 - Now, you can create directly from your backlog list some tests configured as tests (with steps, data & expected results).


It's not perfect, but it allows to create real tests in team-managed projects.

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Sureshkumar Sethukailash
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March 15, 2020

Dear All,

We are evaluating the X-ray test management for the Next-Gen project in Jira. Can you please suggest to me whether it suite the Next-Gen Projects?




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Ankit Sharma
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September 30, 2019

Hi team,


I want to add few more option in Test execution apart from Pass,Fail and Todo . Please let me know how i can do it .



Ankit Sharma

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Nikita Shinde August 9, 2019

Hi @Joao Mendonca

We are trying to change the test execution status in the next-gen jira project using XRAY but while doing so, the test are uncovered. Is there any way to execute test and change its execution status to pass or failed in next-gen project using XRAY JIRA.

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