How can I Strikethrough a task after I marked it "Done" in backlog or board.

Pengfei Ji April 10, 2020

I saw many posts about this problem, talking about the "resolution" field? Where is this field exactly? I couldn't find it in my Jira.


Back to the questions, how do I Strikethrough a "Done" tasks in the backlog. Do you have to have Admin access to set it?

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John Funk
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April 10, 2020

Hi @Pengfei Ji  - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

The Resolution field is a system field. When an issue has a value in that field, it will do the Strikethrough. 

So you need to add a post function on the transition to Done that sets the value of the Resolution field. 

1. Edit the Workflow

2. Select the transition to Done

3. Select Post Functions

4. Select Add post function

5. Select Update Issue Field and click on Add

6. Change Issue field to Resolution

7. Choose a Field value

8. Click Add

9 . Publish the Workflow

Pengfei Ji April 10, 2020

Where can I edit the workflow?

John Funk
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April 10, 2020

Go to Settings > Issues > Workflows

Pengfei Ji April 10, 2020

It seems that I don't have any active workflow, should I click add workflow?


John Funk
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April 10, 2020

You have to have an active workflow or you won't be able to get things moved to Done.

First go to Project > Settings > Summary to see which Workflow is currently being used by your project. 

Then follow the steps above to modify that workflow. 

Pengfei Ji April 10, 2020

unfortunately, I couldn't find where Summary at.

I did find there are a few workflows under "inactive", one of them called the default classic workflow, how can I move it to active?


Thanks for your help!

Pengfei Ji April 10, 2020

I don't see the "workflow" button under Project settings when I trying to associate a workflow to my project. Is this a bug??? OMG, this is so hard...

John Funk
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April 13, 2020

Is this a Next-gen project?

Pengfei Ji April 13, 2020

yes this is a next gen

John Funk
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April 13, 2020

Ah, that's the problem then. You can't modify the Workflow for those types of projects. 

Pengfei Ji April 13, 2020

too bad... damn I really like the strikethrough feature, but guess I can't use it for this project then... :(

Thanks a lot for your help John

John Funk
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April 13, 2020

Well, if you move it to the Done column (assuming it is the last column on your board) it should do a strikethrough for it when it displays it in the Backlog view. 

Pengfei Ji April 13, 2020

This is my question at the beginning.

Unfortunately, it's not showing strikethrough after I moved it to "Done" in the backlog. Not sure why.

John Funk
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April 13, 2020

It might be because you are on the free plan - lots of extra rules there. 

Alex C
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March 25, 2021


I'm having the same issue. Except, I can edit the Workflow, but the option to select Post Functions isn't available. I've seen a few projects in the Gantt chart with the strike-through, but have been unable to replicate it. Currently, when a Task is indicated as DONE it is removed from the Gantt chart. 

I wanted to add that I do have Admin privileges. 

Valerie Lytko January 31, 2023

Hi there!


So I went through nine circles of hell and managed to add the post-function to the 'Done' status and make it change resolution to 'Done', but it still doesn't strikethrough the done issues.

And the funny thing that it used to do it before, so some of the old done issues are strikethrough. 

Any advice?

Thank you!

John Funk
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January 31, 2023

@Alex C @Valerie Lytko  - please post as new questions so that they can be dealt with individually according to your unique needs and so more people will see them. Feel free to tag me on the new questions if you like. 

Valerie Lytko February 1, 2023

@John Funk thanks, John! posting as a new question

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Simon Chen
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February 20, 2023

I tried the above steps and it worked, not the way I expected, all the done stories are disappeared from the backlog list, instead of being stroke through. 
when I get into the done stories and change status back to in progress, they came back to backlog list.

how can I configure to let these story stroke through instead of hidden? 



John Funk
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February 20, 2023

@Simon Chen  - please post a new question for your specific need. 

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