Having trouble with Remote Links

xaneteia August 27, 2018

I'm currently using the OnDemand JIRA Software trial and have been trying to follow this introduction video here; https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/creating-remote-issue-links/.

So using the GET (link) and POST (link) definitions on the API I can add remote links to a particular Issue but they don't seem to show in the actual ticket. Are there extra steps that need to be run to get this to work or do those manual remote links only work on Server JIRA and not Cloud (or was it deprecated?)

For some background, I'm trying to create links to our internal system that are triggered from our internal system's webhooks.

Any help or pointers would be great.

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xaneteia August 27, 2018

OK, so I can solve this myself - These Links DO NOT currently work in the new Agility boards but do work in the Classic so you have to do two things;

1. Use a "Classic" board/project type

2. Turn off "New Jira issue view for software projects" in Personal Settings

Then they correctly show up.

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