Mohammed Arafat Naidoo November 17, 2022

Good day , 


Is there any way currently to either manually or automatically measure FCR in Jira SD which gives an accurate measure on issues that were actually closed by FCR?



2 answers

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Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Atlassian Partner
November 20, 2022

Hi @Mohammed Arafat Naidoo

You can get an FCR report using Status Time Reports app (developed by our team) and MS Excel by following these steps:

  1. After installing the app, create a new report and choose Assignee in “Report for” field.
  2. Enable “Show count“ in “Report type“ field.
  3. Click Search button and get an assignee count report i.e. how many times an issue is assigned to each assignee.
  4. Get a CSV file export of your report. Create a new column named SumOfAssigneeCounts and sum the count values on assignee columns(depicted in 3). On SumOfAssigneeCounts column, the recors with a value of “1” are the ones that are resolved during the first interaction with the customer.


Here is the online demo link, you can see it in action and try without installing the app.

If you are looking for a free solution, you can try the limited version Status Time Free.

Hope it helps.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 19, 2022

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

To make a question accessible to the wider audience, and hence more likely to get an answer, it is worth writing it in plain language, avoiding jargon and obscure acronyms. 

Where are you struggling with your Flash Card Reader, Fast Ceramic Reactor, or Free Credit Report, and what has it to do with Atlassian stuff?

Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
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November 20, 2022

I assume Mohammed is talking about first call resolution here but I had to look it up to be certain.

I agree with Nic, non-ITIL savvy people will not understand the acronym.

@Mohammed Arafat Naidoo it would be nice if you could explain what you understand under FCR and how your agents are currently dealing with this. Do you have a status, a specific resolution or even a dedicated custom field for this currently or nothing at all?

Mohammed Arafat Naidoo November 21, 2022

Hi , 


@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- Thank you for the reply, and yes, I assumed that individuals would understand the term FCR as it is also mentioned on the Atlassian website: First Call Resolution (FCR): What it is, Why It | Atlassian


@Charlie Misonne Currently my agents are not being measured on First Call Resolution hence me reaching out the community. I had an idea of adding in an additional tab at the resolution screen for the agent to select if the call was closed by first call resolution but then this would leave room for human error in the case that agents mark all calls as first call resolution and would not be a true reflection. 

My understanding on first call resolution is that it is a measure of a team's ability to resolve calls the first time round, meaning that there should not be any back and forth between them and the client (if there is no missing information that the client needs to provide) 

This then means that if a client provides all necessary information on an issue, the agent should then be able to resolve this in one go without having to go back to the client with an un-satisfactory resolution. My aim here is to then use the data to determine skills gap, improvement on our knowledge base and so on. 


Thank you. 

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