Excel jira.jql syntax documentation

Bill Somers
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May 24, 2023

I can't find documentation of the Excel jira.jql function.  What does the "offset" parameter do?


jira jql.png

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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May 24, 2023

I couldn't find the doc, either, but I think "offset" is the index of first issue that matches the JQL which should be inserted to the Excel.

For example, if you have the CQL:

created > startOfYear() order by created

and you pass offset=100, maxRows=50, then even if the query matches 1000 issues (1000 issues created this year), only the 100th, 101th, ..., 149th will be inserted to Excel. In other words, you can control which partition should be inserted.

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