Estimate time vs Real time

Carlos Jourdan March 15, 2024


I would like to add a field for estimate time and another one for real time, in order to compare planning and reality. I don´t find the way to do it. Is it possible?

I know you can log time for an issue but this is not what I need to able to compare the two instances.

Thanks in advance!


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Trudy Claspill
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March 15, 2024

Hello @Carlos Jourdan 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

You can use the Original Estimate field to record a time estimate and compare it to Time Spent, which is the sum of actual time logged.

There is no custom field type for time duration to enable you to create you own version of such fields.

Ste Wright
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March 16, 2024

Some good information on estimates and logging work on this help page -


Carlos Jourdan March 18, 2024

Thanks @Trudy Claspill and @Ste Wright for yout help!

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Marketplace Partner
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March 17, 2024

Hi @Carlos Jourdan 

Adding custom fields for "Estimate Time" and "Real Time" in Jira to compare planned vs. actual time spent on issues is definitely possible. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you set this up:

Use the Fields

In Jira settings you can add Original estimate field and Time tracking field.

Create Custom Fields

  1. Go to Jira settings: Log in as an administrator and navigate to Jira settings > Issues.
  2. Find the Fields option: Within the Issues section, look for Fields and then select Custom fields.
  3. Add Custom Fields: Click the Create custom field button. You'll need to do this twice – once for the "Estimate Time" field and once for the "Real Time" field.
  4. Select the Field Type: For both fields, you might want to select a field type that best represents the time. The "Number Field" type can be a good choice as it allows you to enter numeric values (e.g., hours or days). Alternatively, you could use the "Text Field (single line)" if you want to enter the time in a specific format.
  5. Name the Fields: Name the first field "Estimate Time" and the second field "Real Time". Provide a description if needed to make it clear what each field is for.
  6. Configure the field context and screen: After creating each field, Jira will ask you to associate it with a screen. This determines when the field will be visible. Ensure that the fields are added to the screens used by the issues where you want to track these times.


Carlos Jourdan March 18, 2024

Thanks, @Maria ! I'll also try this way. 

Ste Wright
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March 18, 2024

Hi @Maria 

Just to confirm, I removed the link to your App.

Whilst posting a link is fine when it's relevant to the question, it's not fine on every response. Please refrain from doing this.


Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 18, 2024

Hi @Ste Wright 
A year ago we were asked to point out that we answer on behalf of the marketplace app by Atlassian managers. Otherwise our answers were deleted. That's the reason why we're adding the intro to all answers we leave. It'll be best to write a clear guidelines. 

Ste Wright
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 18, 2024

Hi @Maria 

If the answer is relevant to the App, or mentions the App (i.e you're suggesting the App as a solution).

If it's not, then you don't need to mention it.


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