Email notifications sent based on date stamp

Sean Saxon April 1, 2024

Hey all, I've searched the community and tried several approaches, with no luck.  

I'm trying to send out an email notification, at regular intervals, based on a date stamp of the ticket, in order to satisfy our SLA's. 

Customer defect is created, and reviewed by the team, as soon as the team decides we need to focus on it, we put a date stamp on that ticket (custom field triggered by a component being set).   As soon as that date field is set, the customer support rep has 7 days to address the issue.  I want to send an email notification to remind them that they have 5 days remaining, 2 days remaining and 1 day remaining to work the ticket and notify the customer. 

To date, this is the JQL I'm trying to use: 

project = “Company Project A”  AND “Customer Support Time[Time stamp]" >= startOfDay(-7d) and “CS 7-day SLO Met" = Empty

I change the start of day from -7d, to -6d, -5d

With the automation I created, I have it scheduled to run everyday at 7am, with the example JQL above, modified for the date range I'm looking for.

I created a branch, but even though I am seeing results in my query, I am not receiving the notification. (for the record I am part of the group that is emailed, I've also put my direct email address in as well.  

Thanks in advance for your help.

1 answer

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Kalyan Sattaluri
Rising Star
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April 1, 2024

Hello @Sean Saxon 

Please share a screenshot of your rule.

BTW. You dont need a branch.. A simple implementation of your rule will look like:

  • Trigger - Run every day
  • Action - LookupIsssues => your JQL
  • If Condition - smart value check => {{lookupIssues.size}} Is greater than 0
  • Action Send email

You can calculate days remaining in the email content from smart values.

Now depending on if you want to send email with list of issues due in x days or, list of issues which needed be sent irrespective of the # of days, your rule logic varies.

Please share your rule screenshot so community can help.

Sean Saxon April 11, 2024

@Kalyan Sattaluri - let me give that a shot, as I figured there would have to be an easier way to do this.  

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