Display custom fields in backlog view

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November 25, 2020

I have a field called "Fix Version" which represents the version of our software product that a certain ticket should be developed for.

This Fix Version field works fine in in the ticket detail screen (I can add/change/remove versions just fine).

However, what I wanted to do is to show this field in the Backlog View in Jira as an extra piece of information inside each row that contains the ticket ID and title.

I have seen this done before and there are even some articles out there, but I can't seem to be able to do it. I believe I have to do this in the CARD LAYOUT menu, but I just don't have this in my system.

I am the org admin and project admin so it should not be a question of permissions.


image (6).pngThis is an example of how I would like it to show up. The second circle on the right shows a version, I want that to be my "Fix Version" field.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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November 25, 2020

Hi @Alex  -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Just to confirm, you have created a new custom field, called Fix Version, and you do not mean the built-in field Fix Versions, correct?

If so, the project admin should be able to use ... Board Settings > Card Layout to add additional fields to the backlog or board views.  This is only possible for Classic Projects (not NextGen) and you may only add 3 additional fields, I believe.

Best regards,


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 25, 2020

Hi Bill thanks for the reply.

The Fix Version is actually the built-in one. I assumed it was created by someone from my team, incorrectly as it turns out.

What you said about Classic vs. NextGen, that seems to be the issue. I am using a NextGen project. 

I found an article about migrating from NextGen to classic: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/migrate-between-next-gen-and-classic-projects/ but I will see if it makes sense to do it.

Is there any other way to display information on those rows? Maybe a tag or something? Or is that really completely fixed in the NextGen type of project?



Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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November 25, 2020

Hi Alex,

NextGen projects are intended to be simple for teams to manage, without help from admins, so their abilities are a bit limited.  You may be able to use automation to replace the values of a displayable field, so look here at the NextGen info to see what fields are availble to consider that approach:


There are several suggestions around adding card/field configuration to NextGen projects/boards, which you may review and vote for here:



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