Display Comments in dashboard when a user is tagged in the ticket

Lakshmi S March 14, 2024

Hi Team,

Would it be possible to create a dashboard that imports comments when a user is tagged?

  Who get tagged in many comments on a daily basis.  Ideal state would be for comments to live on a single page that can be sorted by date/time, and also provide a link back to the task the comment is associated with.

1 answer

1 vote
Mikel Garcia Bartolome March 15, 2024

Hello and thanks for the Question.

Unfortunately, Jira dashboards don't have built-in functionality to directly import comments based on user tags. However, there are a couple of workarounds you can explore to achieve a similar outcome:

1. JQL Filter with Advanced Roadmaps (if available):

  • JQL (Jira Query Language) allows you to filter issues based on various criteria. You can create a JQL filter that includes issues where you've been mentioned in comments (using the "currentUser()" clause).
  • If your Jira instance has Advanced Roadmaps, you can create a board based on this JQL filter. This board will essentially display all issues with your comments, allowing you to sort them by date/time.

Here's how you can create a JQL filter to find issues where you've been mentioned in the comments:

First, you need to add the gadget "JQL Custom Charts", and edit the gadget. 

The JQL filter is the next one:

comment ~ currentUser()

This JQL query uses the following elements:

  • comment: This searches within the comments field of the issue.
  • ~: This operator performs a fuzzy search, allowing for some variation in the search term.
  • currentUser(): This function represents the currently logged-in user.

Using the JQL Filter:

  1. Add the JQL Filter
  2. Choose the wanted fields to show.
  3. Click the Load button.

This will display a list of issues where you've been mentioned in the comments. You can then sort the list by various fields.


This approach won't display the actual comments on the search results page. You'll need to click on each issue to see the specific comments where you were mentioned. JQL filters alone won't provide a live, updated dashboard. You'll need to refresh the search results periodically to see new mentions.

Integration with Advanced Roadmaps (if available):

If your Jira instance has Advanced Roadmaps, you can leverage this JQL filter to create a board specifically for your mentions.

  1. Go to Boards and click Create board.
  2. Select "Search Issues" as the board type.
  3. Paste your JQL filter (same as before) in the search bar.
  4. Give your board a name and click Create.

This will create a board displaying all issues where you've been mentioned. You can then sort the issues by date and click on them to access the specific comments and tasks.


Hope this will help you.

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