Configuring email notification in JIRA

Ramakrishna Kosuru. September 7, 2018

facing issue with email notification.

Can anyone please help in configuration email notification on JIRA,


getting below error:

An error has occurred with sending the test email:
com.atlassian.mail.MailException: com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530-5.5.1 Authentication Required.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 7, 2018

This suggests that the Jira server is sending login information that is not recognised by the email server.  Check the email settings, and try sending a test email with logging enabled, so you get to see the whole error message.

Ramakrishna Kosuru. September 7, 2018

test email was success with provided details, but still getting same error,

could you please provide any solution.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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September 8, 2018

Ok, it sounds like the logging has not given you more to work with, so you need to take a look at the configurations of the three systems involved:

  • Jira is able to send, clearly, but have you entered the correct authentication stuff (username/password) in the SMTP server settings?  The error you're getting often happens when you don't enter anything
  • Is your network allowing the authentication traffic to reach the mail server?
  • Is your SMTP server set up to allow the Jira server to log in and send?

After checking the details for the sending email account are correct in Jira, the next step is a raw check of the route. 

To do that, log into the Jira server and go to the command line.  You'll need "telnet" or an equivalent installed (it's not installed by default on some systems nowadays because it's generally unsupported due to being a totally unsecure system, but it is useful for checking stuff like this).  The command is

telnet <smtp server name> 25

This should come back with a login prompt, and you need to use the same credentials you gave to Jira. 

You will get an error message, which might tell you the problem clearly, or it may return a syntax error which does not tell you directly, but usually means your network is mangling the data (for security reasons).

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