Can we use Compass for free?

Michael Karl March 8, 2024


The Compass component catalog is free for all Atlassian Cloud users, so all Jira Software users on company-managed projects can benefit from Compass components, even if they aren’t already a Compass user.

When I navigated to a project, clicked on "project settings" and then on "Components (New)" I encountered a banner saying "TRY compass for free". That suggests that we can't use Compass for free an a long term basis - though we are cloud users.


I'd like to find out wether Compass is free to use for us before we put in any effort in re-organizing our projects this way.

1 answer

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Walter Buggenhout
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March 8, 2024

Hi @Michael Karl,

Check out the Compass pricing and user/role definitions to fully understand pricing. There is a free and a standard plan, with major differences the number of full users and templates you can use.

Hope this helps! 

Michael Karl March 8, 2024

Yes! Thanks for the quick answer and pointing me in the right direction, @Walter Buggenhout 

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