CSV Import Results in Issues Not Existing

Jan Jacobs October 12, 2017

I successfully imported a CSV file.

I can search for and find Issues, but the Backlog is not populated.

Can anyone suggest why this is happening and/or how to correct this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Brant Schroeder
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October 12, 2017

A board selects a set of issues.  If you create a new issue, it needs to match the criteria for that board.  I suspect your board says something like "project = X" and you've created the issue in project Y, so it's not in the backlog.  Or "project = X and status != new" and the new issue is in status new.   Or... well, there's loads.  You can go to the board configuration and view the criteria there.

It could also be that the imported issues are in an unmapped status.  Ensure that the issues status exists on the board.

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