Bulk upload

Jas Aujla March 14, 2024

I have carried out a bulk upload in JIRA specifying start and end dates

CSV file date format: dd/mm/yyyy

JIRA date format: dd/mm/yyyy

When the issues are imported to JIRA the dates are incorrect:

Start date should be: 28/02/2024 but is showing as 28/01/2024

Due date should be: 15/03/2024 but is showing as 15/01/2024

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 14, 2024

Hi @Jas Aujla 

Jira is a Java based application, as such it's using the SimpleDateFormat in order to parse out dates.  In your example, telling Jira that the date format is using mm - that is the problem here.  To Jira, the mm does not represent the month, but rather the minutes of a timestamp value.  Instead try to change the format of the date to dd/MM/yyyy and then perform the import once more.

In this instance, case-sensitivity is important for how those values are being parsed into Jira.  Even if you did not intend to store the specific hour/minute, on the back end, when Jira is saving that date and time value into the database, it will store it with an hour and minute value as well.

Jas Aujla March 14, 2024

Hi @Andy Heinzer 

Thank you so much I updated the date format as stated in your reply and the dates are coming through as expected. Appreciate you providing a solution :)

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