Bulk Changes : how to combine multiple actions ?

Jean-Michel CIRBA
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October 5, 2016


How typical use of bulk changes would be :

  • To edit Resolution and Assignee fields to say it's Fixed and assign it to the client
  • To change the workflow to In Review, whatever the present status, to tell the client (s)he has to verify the corrections

Today, this requires to use the Bulk Changes function twice (and possibly 3 or more times if all tickets are not in the same status originally). Would it be possible to enable checkboxes instead of radio buttons and to be able to, say, choose "Edit Fields" and "Workflow advance" concomittantly ?

Thanks in advance

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 5, 2016

I'm afraid not - the work it would have to do to work out what to offer you would be very complex and there's not a lot of call for it, so Atlassian haven't written anything like that.

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