Build automation of individual form

Maurice Summers March 14, 2024

I need to trigger automations off of specific forms.


Here's my example

  • I have one issue type and multiple forms that feed into it.
  • Different forms come form different group and need different automations.
    • For example an "origin" field set with that teams name, or a certain person notified
  • It's not feasible to create a separate issue type for every form
    • I have multiple issue types with multiple forms, it would be a complete mess
      • Even if the automation condenses it down into one issue type
  • the "business-form" label does not help
    • business-form says the issue came from a form, but not what form
    • No way to make the form add custom info/labels
      • This would solve all my woes


Currently I have two work arounds.

  • One is incredibly janky, and not very professional
  • The other uses third party tools because JWM just can't handle the idea of automating a form response

Janky option: "Fake Captcha"

  • Separate required field with a title something like "Captcha: Gj4Fvtl"
  • People copy paste the static string
  • Automation just searches for the string
  • If someone messes it up the form works, the automation breaks

Third party: "Ask Microsoft"

  • Make a microsoft Forms form
  • Use Power Automate Premium to make a jira
  • This normally removes the need for automation
    • If I need to trigger a jira automation it's trivial to add a label unique to the form.

Service management just has a trigger in automation.  I'm often very confused why features go to Service but not Work.

Is there any way I can trigger an automation off a form, not all forms?  Preferably a way that isn't depended on asking/relying on my (internal) customers to do work.

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