Based on workflow status, display status on dashboard in same order

uttam kumar bhatta August 29, 2022

Hi everyone,


On Dashboard, I am adding a gadget to get status of story/bug based on component. I want the status to be display in a particular order, not randomly. Is it possible to achieve in JIRA cloud?

It is showing open -> Ready for QA -> Ready for development ...., instead the correct order should be (as per our workflow): Open -> Ready for Development -> Dev in progress ->Review in progress -> Ready for QA ...


Is it possible to achieve in JIRA cloud?


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Pramodh M
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August 29, 2022

Hi @uttam kumar bhatta 

You have the Sort Direction in the widget which you can choose

This Order is taken from the Configuration of the Administration

Status Order.png

It affects all the Dashboard widgets across the instance.


uttam kumar bhatta August 31, 2022

Thanks @Pramodh M , I will verify and confirm. 

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Pramodh M
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August 31, 2022

Let me know if it helps!!

José Dias June 22, 2023

I´ve same issue in a Jira Work Management and Team Managed project and can´t find the respective settings there. Can you guide how to do on that product and project type?

Many Thanks in advance

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