BUG JQL: Unable to query next-gen project's issues with status WAS 'statusName'

Antoine Emond March 6, 2020

When using JQL to search for issues in a next-gen project, it doesn't work to do :

project='PN' AND status WAS IN ('In Progress') DURING('2020-03-06','2020-03-08')

But if you rename the name of the In Progress status in your board (and change it in your query) it works.

Step to reproduce :

  1. Create a new next-gen product.
  2. Add issues
  3. Make one of the issues In Progress
  4. Query your project issues with query like above with todays date in during
  5. You will receive an empty response
  6. Go back in your next-gen project
  7. rename the In Progress column to 'In Prog'
  8. Query again changing the status name
  9. It works.


2 answers

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 8, 2020

Hi @Antoine Emond

This is a known bug, albeit not with all the specifics you mention - see JRACLOUD-72180. Worth adding them on there!

There is a workaround mentioned on this bug to search via Status ID rather than name - I've tried it and it seems to work - to do this:

Locate your Next-Gen project's ID:

  1. Go to https://<your instance name>.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/project
  2. Locate your Project - use your browser search (Ctrl+F or Cmnd+F) to search via Key or Name
  3. Copy your Project's ID

Next locate your status' ID:

  1. Go to https://<your instance name>.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/status
  2. Search for your Project ID - next to it there will be the statuses with their status IDs. These are usually five digits in length and should start with 10, 100 or similar (depending how many custom statuses are on your instance).
  3. Copy the relevant Status ID

You can now search using the ID - eg. "Status was 101323".


Antoine Emond March 9, 2020

Thanks ! I tought it was not possible to use the status ID with WAS as written In the JQL Fields Reference. Should it be changed ? or is it specific to Next-gen projects issues ?

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Ste Wright
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March 9, 2020

I'm not sure - but I did try some non-Next-Gen statuses from our instance and all of them appeared to work (including one of the "default" statuses) - so it appears to work across all :)


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Dave Rench McCauley November 19, 2020

This works for me in next-gen Jira, thank you!

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I'm New Here
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June 8, 2021

This also works for me, thanks Stephen

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0 votes
Antoine Emond March 6, 2020

With further investigation, it seems to happen when you have a status with the same name as one of the basic statuses (without scope)

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