Automated Transition of epics if issues linked to the epic are in a certain status

Jon December 26, 2018


I have cloud. I have epics that I want to automatically transition to "completed" status if all of the issues that are linked to it are in the "paid" status (usually there are 3-6 issues that are epic linked to the epic). Is this possible and does anyone have any ideas how to do it? Whether it be with script runner or using the project automation add ons? Open to suggestions. 





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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 26, 2018

Hello Jon,

You can create an Automation rule like the one below:

Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 19.08.18.png

Here are the steps describing how this automation would work:

  • When an issue is transitioned
  • It will check if this was a story and if it moved to “Done” (using a JQL condition)
  • Branch off for the epic of that story
  • → Now for this epic, use a related issues condition to check if *all* stories in this epic are in fact “Done”
  • → Only if this is true, does the related issue branch continue and transition the epic to “Done”

For more details about other Automation rules related to Epic > Stories conditions, you can check the documentation below:

Automation of the week: How to transition an epic when all stories are done

Let me know if it works for you.

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