Last Edit Date: | 17th August 2022 |
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Hi all!
Recently I faced the problem of finding a way to sum up the original estimate of all issue types of an epic, without the use of an addon. I was going to use only the native automation that Jira provides. At first my manager gave me a hint of this example to follow and I thought that "hey! I could use this to solve my problem in no time!".
How little did I know :D
This example worked perfectly when you had stories and subtasks and you wanted to sum up story point. However my problem was a bit different. I had 4 different issue types (standard tasks) from which I wanted to sum up all original estimates and not story points. Long story short, after trying numerous ways and quite a few community proposed solutions, which in my case they didn't work, I came up with a kinda good workaround.
Below you will find my rule, which after testing it, it works like a charm:
So what the above rule does is that
Below you will find each individual rule component.
"Epic Link" = {{issue.key}}
"fields": {
"timetracking": {
"originalEstimate" : "{{lookupIssues.Original Estimate.sum .divide(60)}}",
"remainingEstimate" : "{{lookupIssues.Remaining Estimate.sum .divide(60)}}"
I though to end this discussion by presenting to you the pros and cons of this rule, as well as my justification in creating and following it.
I would very much like to discuss about this solution, and if you have anything better to suggest please do share!
Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Atlassian Solution Architect
Athens, Greece
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