seperate the visibility of issues to user

Snehil Gupta September 9, 2024

I have project on which two teams are working.

I want to make sure that team A is not able to see issues from Team B and visa-versa.

note: in issue creation i have added a field as provider ( Team A and Team B ) in drop down.

How can i hide the issues and achieve this?

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Nikola Perisic
Community Leader
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September 9, 2024

Hello, there are two ways on how you can achieve this:

  • Create two separate boards that will include filters that will be separate for each teams where the viewers of the each filter will be based on the groups - each group will have different members of teams
  • Include issue security scheme that will applied to the specific team
Snehil Gupta September 9, 2024

How do I include issue security? 

Currently no seperate user roles or groups are created.\

Can you help me achieve this?

Nikola Perisic
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 9, 2024

To create a group, you need to be at least a site administrator. Then navigate to, select your organisation. Under Directory option in the navbar, click on Groups. In one group add the users from let's say Team A. For a group B, add the users for Team B.

To create the issue security and apply it, go to Settings > Issue > Issue security scheme.

You would need to apply this scheme when going to Project settings > Issue > Security > Change the security scheme to the recently created one

Make sure that in your project, you have the Set Issue Security permission. You can check this in Project settings > Permissions

You can apply this to the existing issues and also to the issues that will be created.

Once enabled, it should look something like this:

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 13.49.05.png

Make sure that you add both groups to your project (Project settings > People).

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