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"No Project Configured"

Brandon Jensen
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May 23, 2024

I am fairly new with Jira Assistant but I have not encountered an error like this.

My supervisor had set up a project and profile for our business and everything has been working fairly well but recently, multiple clinicians have come to me with issues they've encountered of Assist not allowing them to create a ticket showing the message, "There was a problem creating your request" followed by, "No project configured. Please, connect a project to your team to continue."

I checked everything I have access to and nothing seems to be off. Does anyone know what might cause this issue?

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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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May 24, 2024

@Brandon Jensen -

Hi Brandon:

Welcome to the community.  Since Jira Assistance is not a part of Atlassian product and it is a third party vendor provided app, so your best option is to contact the vendor directly for technical and troubleshooting process -

Most importantly from Atlassian Marketplace, it is not a supported product.  It is always recommended in my opinion to stay away from this type of product to avoid issues.

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

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