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filtering for all projects and which are in a specific state

Ali Sherkat
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March 8, 2023

I am using Jira service management cloud version. In every project, I have a unique custom field which has a common part in its name with all the other versions of the custom field. In my example, I create a custom field named "XXXINV-Unit and Room" where XXX is the customer number. This allows me to create specific units with specific room numbers in cascading lists, then I can create filters and dashboards that show inventory by unit and room. Jira limits the number of characters you can have in a smart clause to 500. Currently, the JQL for the smart cause is “2002INV-Unit and Room” = “assessing for return” or “155INV-Unit and Room” = “assessing for return” or “143INV-Unit and Room” = “assessing for return” or “143INV-Unit and Room” = “assessing for return” or … I need to include this custom field for all projects, and Jira limits the number of characters you can have in a smart clause to 500. AS we add more projects (customers) it would be easier to manage this if there were a way to use JQL to include all "XXXINV-Unit and Room" fields in all projects without having to list each one and running into this 500 character limit. How can use wild cards or other sql to build a smart filter to include all "XXXINV-Unit and Room" fields in all projects without having to list each one and running into this 500-character limit.? Note the xxxINV-Unit and Room custom fields are unique but have the common part of a name (INV-Unit and Room) and I want to query all projects for any sub-values of xxxINV-Unit and Room to be assessing for return. Any help in the JQL to do this query is appreciated.

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John Funk
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March 8, 2023

Hi Ali,

I guess I would start by asking why you didn't just create one custom field for Unit and Room and then another custom field for the Customer Number? 

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