Where are the swimlanes in Jira Software Project settings?

Marzhan Amanzholova February 19, 2023

Hey guys,

I need to find the swimlane for the task category, however, now I don't see it in the board settings?


Thanks in advance for any tips provided,


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Mayur Jadhav
Community Leader
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February 19, 2023

Hello @Marzhan Amanzholova ,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!!

I think you have selected the wrong product and tags, because Boards and Swimlane available in Jira Software project.

Here are below quick steps.

  1. Go to your board, then select more () > Board settings.

  2. Click the Swimlanes tab.

  3. If your swimlanes are based on queries, you can edit your swim lanes.

For more information, you may please have a look at https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/configure-swimlanes/




Marzhan Amanzholova February 21, 2023

Hi Mayur,


Thanks a lot for the quick reply!

Is it possible that the problem is that I have a free plan, so there is no option to add the swimlanes to my board?


Best regards,


Mayur Jadhav
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 21, 2023

No, Swim lanes will be available even if you are on free plan.

Marzhan Amanzholova February 21, 2023


If you look to the screenshot, there is no swimlanes option(

Mayur Jadhav
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 21, 2023

Out of the box boards with Team-managed projects have limited ability with swimlanes. You can set swimlanes by using the Group by function in the top right.

For custom swimlanes Atlassian has feature request. You may please vote and add yourself as watcher so you will get notification when there is update.

Marzhan Amanzholova February 22, 2023

Hello Mayur,

I found the swimlanes, thanks a lot for your help! 


Best regards,


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