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Diffusive5915 October 19, 2022

I would like the team to be notified by email when customers create a ticket using our CSM. Here is a picture of our notification scheme:



I have confirmed that the email account is set up properly, and I have confirmed that my configurations match the suggestions in [Receive notification when new ticket is created](, but we still do not get emails when a new issue is created. Does anybody know why we are getting emails when customers create a ticket?

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Diffusive5915 October 21, 2022

Fix conditions:

It looks like the following conditions need to be met for to resolve our issue:

1. User / email associated with user must be a licensed Jira account that is associated with that project.

2. User must have the proper roles on the project under `Project / Project Settings / People`

3. User's role must be granted notifications permission under `Project / Project Settings / Notifications / Actions / Edit notifications / Event : Issue Created (System) / Add`

4. User must have notifications enabled under `Your profile and settings / Personal Settings / Email notifications for issue activity : Send me email notifications`

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

@Diffusive5915 Unless you are the single email address, reporter, assignee, or have been added as a watcher then you will not be notified.  I would suggest adding the project role that holds all of your team members to the created issue notification.  Then as you add team members to the project in that role they will be notified.

Diffusive5915 October 19, 2022

@Brant Schroeder Thank you for your reply. The email address is a forwarder that goes to the team. That is the the way I would like us to be notified of new tickets. As I said before the email address is valid when I send mail to it but we don't get messages when tickets are created.

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

@Diffusive5915 is the email address a licensed Jira account that is associated with that project.  License and project permissions will also prevent the email from being sent.

Diffusive5915 October 19, 2022

The email address is registered to a administrator-user, but it doesn't get emails when an issue is created

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

Does that admin user have the proper roles on the project so that they have access to the project?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

I would suggest that you use the notification helper. 

Diffusive5915 October 19, 2022

@Brant Schroeder Yes it is the user is the superadministrator account that created the project in the first place


Notification helper says:


  • Event:
    Issue Created
    Project CSM
     Custom Tickets Notification Scheme
     User does not receive notifications for the 'Issue Created' event
     User has turned off their email notifications.

✅ Single User User has permission as a single user

✅ Issue Watchers User is watching the issue ISS-1

❌ Reporter User is not the reporter

❌ Current Assignee User is not the current assignee


It looks we don't get notifications because notifications are turned off for that user. I've looked in the settings for the user but don't see this setting except for marketing emails. How do we change this? 

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 19, 2022

You have to be logged into the account and then go to personal settings in Jira to see the email settings for that application. 

Diffusive5915 October 20, 2022

@Brant Schroeder I don't see those settings. Can you clarify where I can find them?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 20, 2022

When you are logged into JSM you will see your profile in the upper right-hand corner.  You will need to click it and select personal settings.


Diffusive5915 October 21, 2022

It worked. 😊

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