Unable to Delete an Attached form in Jira Service Management

lbhender May 6, 2024

Hello Atlassian Community!

Our technicians are trying to delete an attached form in a Jira Service Management ticket but the "Delete" option is greyed out.

As an example, a technician needed to change the request type for an issue that had been submitted by a customer. He went through the process of moving it from one request type to another. Both have their own attached forms. Once the process completed, he then changed the request type in the Details area of the ticket (it did not change automatically). Then he added the attached form that went with the newly changed request type. Once he filled out the field, he wanted to delete the old form from the previous request type, but the option was greyed out. 

We have also noticed that it is greyed out in all our tickets with various request types and attached forms. I found some suggestions related to internal forms but this is external. And it doesn't seem to matter if the form is internal or external, the option to delete is still not available. 

Delete form option.png

Is there a setting somewhere that will make this option available? 

Thank you for any assistance you all can provide!

1 answer

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David Quiram
May 8, 2024

For others looking for an answer See: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/Unable-to-Delete-Form-in-Service-Management-Ticket/qaq-p/2623947 

and please go vote for the feature request: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDCLOUD-13604 

The workaround is:

  1. Make the form external
  2. Open the form for edits
  3. Delete the form

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