Time to First Response chart not working

Vruti Thakkar November 10, 2022


I've been trying to build a dashboard, but when I try to add the "Time to first response" gadget in my dashboard, but it doesn't show me any data. According to Jira's documentation, it may be because the custom field is hidden. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Time-to-First-Response/qaq-p/621045 But when I Checked all the three possibilities given by Atlassian, it seemed well.

The points I've checked from my end are 

-> First, check the data.  The gadget only looks for the first comment added by someone other than the reporter.

-> Second, check that the field "Time to first response" exists for your issues.  Check the Admin -> Custom fields -> "time to first response" says it is a "global" field.

-> Third, check then that your project's "field configuration" does not hide the field.  (You do not want it on any screens, it looks like rubbish, but you must not hide it)

Time to first response.PNG

Also I believe the project I'm adding to the gadget is the service Desk project and it is a part of the SLA Tracking.

JSD Project.PNG

I've attached a screenshot for your reference. Can you help me fix this chart? Thank you.

2 answers

0 votes
Atlassian Partner
December 20, 2022

Hi, if you don't mind using add-on, I can suggest you one of them which might work around your problem.

0 votes
Michael Hodgson
November 10, 2022

Hi Vruti,

Thanks for providing the information above. Can I just clarify though, on your second screenshot the SLA this is referring to "Time to resolution"? This might be the naming, but I just wanted to confirm.

Can you also share the rest of the SLA configuration there, please? (e.g. the pause/stop)

As an example, I use the time to first response and it works perfectly on tickets and shows on reporting, and mine is set up as the following:

Start counting:

- Issue created


Pause counting: 

- Status = Waiting for customer

- Status = Quote


Finish counting time when:

- Comment: For customers

- Entered status: waiting for customer

- Resolution: Set


So essentially, when a client raises a ticket - the timer starts, then as soon as a support agent replies "public" to the customer (i.e. the comments for customers) then this timer stops. Likewise, if they entered the status on waiting for customer, either manually or by automation - or if the ticket is just closed off by an agent or client.


I'm not sure on your entire set up but I hope that helps.

Vruti Thakkar November 15, 2022

@Michael Hodgson 

Please find the attached Screenshot


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