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Share with option on SR

Nicola Brown September 21, 2021

It says on this site;


Customers in an organization can share requests when they raise them. If a customer belongs to only one organization, the request is shared with it by default unless you have changed the default settings to keep all new requests private. If the customer is in more than one organization the request is private by default.


How can we therefore ensure all raised SR's are shared with the Service Request Project when members of this organization may also be members of others

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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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September 21, 2021

Hey @Nicola Brown and welcome to the community!

Could you maybe elaborate a bit on your question?

An organisation is a way to group customers together when they raise a request from the portal.

When you mention:

ensure all raised SR's are shared with the Service Request Project

what exactly do you mean? Are these other customers? Do you mean the members of that project that handle the requests?

Nicola Brown September 21, 2021

Hi Dirk - thank you for the welcome.

When you have a Service Request project set up and you have the different Request Types on the front end you see 'Share with', however, this is not controlled by the setup and seems to be defaulted to Share with the organization.


We are having problems where not all Service Requests are being defaulted to 'Share with' this organization despite the individuals raising this being part of the organization.


After some looking online I thought this may be due to these individuals being in more than one organization and therefore request is private by default - as seen in the link above


could this be the case?

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