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Selected role from the organization can only see a particular request type in the main portal page

Eugene Resurreccion September 20, 2021

Hi Team, 

I am currently trying to optimize our jsm as this is our service desk tool for our company (this can be accessed by IT and non IT). However, I need help on how to filter out this specific request type to be only visible to our service desk team, instead of all of the users of the organization.

Hope to hear from you!


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Jack Brickey
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September 20, 2021

Hi Eugene, Welcome to the community.

With JSM you can hide Request types from the portal. When you do this the customers using the portal to create issues will not be able to see the hidden request types. However, your agents, having access to the application itself, will certainly have access to those request types. If this is what you're looking for then you can hide request types by going to project settings > portal settings  and click on portal groups. From there if you check the various groups and simply delete a request out from that group then once the request type is not in any group it will be hidden. Please let me know if this is unclear or off the mark.

Eugene Resurreccion September 21, 2021

Thank you for your reply Jack! So, once its hidden, can this specific request type that was hidden be used by a specific team? Example, only service desk team can only view that particular request type. Perhaps a specific link that we can provide for service desk so that they can access the hidden request type? 

Jack Brickey
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September 21, 2021

What it means is that your agents for that project can see/use the request types but your customers cannot. Now with that said I don’t quite understand the use case where you would want to request it to be used by the agents but not the customer. Generally speaking the only time I use a hidden request type is for my email requests.

Eugene Resurreccion September 21, 2021

For example, we have an onboarding/offboarding request types that service desk team would only use and not all of the users within the organization. This is because we are the only team who supposed to do that particular request, not all the users within the organization. 

I tried letting one of the service desk agent access a link from the "preview form in portal" in request types but they got an error. See screenshot where I got the link. Please take note that not all service desk agents have administrator access in JSM.


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 21, 2021

Understand. Now the important thing to know here is that by hiding it from the portal you're hiding it from the portal for any user. If you want your agents to be able to access these request types then they would have to do it using the Create button from within the app and expose the request type on the create screen. Or they can create it from the portal but have to go back in to edit the issue and select a request type. For the case you mention I would likely create a completely different issue type for on/off-boarding.

Eugene Resurreccion September 21, 2021

Hey Jack, really thankful for your prompt response. :) The create button (the blue button on the center top), looks like when I select Onboarding, there are some fields there that are unnecessary. Is there a way to remove them? (Highlighted are one of the fields that are unnecessaryCapture.PNG).

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 21, 2021

You might have a look at your request types and how the forms are configured. 

Project settings > request types

You'll find it there are different tabs for what the agent view and what the customer sees - request form

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