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SLA reset when custom field value changes

Fatima AALLA November 22, 2023

Hello, I need to reset my SLA when an issue filed value changes but no reset option in SLAs configuration or by using automation rule, any suggestions please

2 answers

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Marketplace Partner
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December 25, 2023

Hi @Fatima AALLA 

You can easily reset your SLA time and generate reports using the SLA Time and Report for Jira add-on developed by my team. In the SLA configuration settings, you can choose the required condition for SLA resetting.


The add-on offers many other useful features that you might be interested in. If you want to learn more, you can either book a demo call with us or try it yourself with the 30-day trial.

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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November 22, 2023

Hi @Fatima AALLA 

It's not a native feature, but there is a feature request you can vote for - see: JSDCLOUD-194 

The current workaround using Automation can also be found here:


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