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Renewal of SSL Certificate Jira and Confluence

YTZ February 21, 2023

Hello Everyone,

I'm in need of someone's help here please?

So, I'm new to the administration on the server side and I'm in a situation where I need to renew the SSL certificates in coming 2 days as they are getting expired. I heard that this is not a complicated task and can be done within few minutes. But, as I've informed earlier, I'm totally new to this and I can't deny the work assigned to me, so somehow, I need to accomplish this task.

I've gone through some the topics like Running Jira applications over SSL or HTTPS | Administering Jira applications Data Center and Server 9.6 | Atlassian Documentation but, none of them are giving me a straightforward step on how to do it.

If someone please let me know in a detailed step-by-step on how I can get the certificates renewed/installed, I'll be so grateful.

Some details about my Jira setup

Env - DC(2 nodes)

SSL configuration- DEFAULT - Direct connector with no proxy for unproxied access to Jira - Nginx Proxy Connector with https scheme

Please do let me know if any further information is needed.

Thanks in advance,



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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February 21, 2023

If you had Jira running with SSL before, and all that needs to change is installing a new certificate, then just look to the bits of the doc that talk about adding a new certificate to the keystore.

YTZ February 22, 2023

Hello @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- ,

Thanks for your response. Yes, like you said, I had Jira running with SSL before and need to install a new certificate. Like I've mentioned in my question, I've gone through multiple links but none of them are pretty straightforward (sorry for being very newbie in this task).

If you can please point me to any of those docs if you come across with a detailed explanation, that would be very helpful, thanks.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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February 23, 2023

Where are you trying to install the certs?

YTZ February 25, 2023

Thanks @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- . Sorry for a bit of late response.

So, we are on apache reverse proxy. On my initial research, we need to do it somewhere on the application server under the Jira installation directory/jre(this where I'm not pretty sure, sorry). Am i on the right path to do it or we do it at the haproxy(load balancer) level? 

Please, I've everything ready from my helpdesk team, wildcard certificate(.pfx), server, database, loadbalancer access, but just waiting for the right guidance on where to start :(

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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April 6, 2023

I'm afraid we can't answer that - we don't know where you are terminating your SSL, or where you have set up out-going SSL.

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