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Post an automated comment on service desk ticket when a story is transitioned

BrentBot_ August 4, 2022

I have the following ticket structure and want to post a comment on the SD ticket when the story in the project is transitioned to specific statuses. The epic is linked to the SD ticket and story but the story is not directly linked to the SD ticket.


How can i write an automation that posts an auto comment given these circumstances


Ticket Structure

- Service desk ticket

- Project epic

- Story



2 answers

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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August 4, 2022

You can do this with automation. You would need two automations, the first one would get the key for the Epic and the second one would be to add the comment to the ticket. It would look something like this (very simplified):

First one

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 4.05.02 PM.png

Second one

Screen Shot 2022-08-04 at 4.06.37 PM.png

Eugenio Onofre
Community Leader
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August 4, 2022

Great suggestion!

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Eugenio Onofre
Community Leader
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August 4, 2022

Ideally you would need a plugin to achieve this result. ScriptRunner is the best option, because it allows you to use JQL to get additional information and tickets relationship.

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