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Organization member not notified when issue is updated automatically

Archana Mattoo March 17, 2023

I want to notify the organization members every time there is an update on the ticket for the customers.

I tested this scenario, but just received the first mail when I was added to the ticket as a result of the organization.

I turned the notifications on for the ticket, however didn't receive any update notification mails for the updates made in ticket.

I understand based on the ticket : that user has to enable notification. But post that do they have to keep the ticket window open to read all the updates ?
Or there is a feature to get the update notifications via mail after enabling notifications manually on the ticket.


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Oday Rafeh
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 17, 2023

Hi @Archana Mattoo 

To ensure that organization members receive email notifications for updates on tickets, you should check the following settings:

Notification settings for the organization members:

  • ask organization members to verify their personal notification settings in their user profile.
  • To do this, they should click on their profile avatar in the top right corner, then click on "personal settings. "
  • under the "notifications" section, they can review and update their email notification preferences.

Customer notifications in your service management project:

  • as a project administrator, go to your service management project and click on "project settings" in the bottom left corner.
  • Click on "customer notifications" in the left sidebar.
  • Ensure that the notifications for relevant events (such as "issue updated") are enabled and properly configured. You can customize the content of the email notifications using the provided templates.

Check the automation rules that update the ticket:

  • if you have automation rules in place that update the ticket, make sure they are configured to send notifications to customers.
  • To do this, go to your service management project and click on "project settings" in the bottom left corner.
  • Click on "automation" in the left sidebar.
  • Review the automation rules that update the ticket and ensure that they include an action to send notifications to customers (e. G. , "send email" or "notify customers").

Please note that after enabling notifications, users do not need to keep the ticket window open to receive updates. They should receive email notifications for ticket updates according to their notification settings and the project's customer notification settings.

Archana Mattoo March 17, 2023


Thank you for your response. 
The setting is enable on project as you can see below:


I dont have any automation in place to send notification, it is just to add the organziation.

Oday Rafeh
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 17, 2023

@Archana Mattoo 

Based on the information provided, here are the options that you can try next:

  1. Ask organization members to check their personal notification settings in their user profile. They can access this by clicking on their profile avatar, selecting "personal settings, " and reviewing the "notifications" section.
  2. Ensure that customers are added to the organization in your service management project.
    1. To verify this, go to your project, click on 'customers' in the left sidebar, and check that the organization is listed and members are added.
  3. Test notifications for different events like creating, updating, or commenting on a ticket to see if organization members receive email notifications for these events.
  4. Ask organization members to check their email spam folders and whitelist the email address used by jira to send notifications.

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