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No routing based on components

Melle van Keulen March 17, 2022

In the past, tickets in JSM were automatically routed to the one managing the component. It seems like the automatic routing based on components doesn't work anymorew since 1 or 2 weeks. Anyone an idea why?

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 19, 2022

Hi @Melle van Keulen 

Do you mean auto-assignment to a user? I just tested this, and it works fine for me!


These are the settings I would check (as a Project Admin)...

  • Go to Project Settings > Components (left-hand menu)
  • Ensure the Components have a Component Lead, and the Default Assignee is also Component Lead
    • If not, you can edit the default from the 3-dots icon on the far right-hand side of each Component row
  • Next, go to Request Types from the left-hand menu
  • Select a relevant Work Category/Request Type, where component is meant to be selected
  • From the tabs, select Request form
  • Check that Component is on the form
    • If Component is meant to be preset, ensure it's in the Hidden fields with preset values section


You could also check if any Automation Rules are setting the components, and/or setting the Assignee in conflict with the Component Lead option?

You can view Automation rules from Project Settings also, as another option from the left-hand menu


If none of these work for you, let us know so we can try to help further!


Melle van Keulen March 20, 2022

Hi @Ste Wright , there is an automation in place where components are selected if it matches certain criteria. It might be the cause. Would 'retrieve issue information' help after a rule is done?

Ste Wright
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 21, 2022

Hi @Melle van Keulen 

The automation might be the issue here.

Component Lead is only assigned at creation, from Component(s) chosen on the Create Issue screen.

If the automation rule is running after creation (i.e the trigger is Issue Created) - then it's running too late, it's classed as an Issue edit.


There's a few options here...

  • Preset Fields: Preset component from the Request Form in JSM. It's possible to add, and hide a field on each form - then preset the values during creation. See more information on this help page.
  • Automation: Use Automation to set the Component Lead. It's not possible to do this using a smart value right now - vote for that via JSWCLOUD-22662 - but there are some other options...
    • Web-hook...
      • I've not tried this, but you could try calling the REST API to get the Component Lead, then use the result in your Automation. This guide is useful for this.
    • Additional Rules/Custom Field...
      • Create a custom user picker field - for example, Component Lead
      • Create a new automation rule, which populates Component Lead based on some if/else rules - eg...
        • Component 1 = User 1
        • Component 2 = User 2
        • Component 1 + Component 2 = User 3
        • ...etc
      • Create a third automation rule, which copies Component Lead to Assignee


Let us know if this all makes sense! If you need any further help, please let us know :)


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