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New team member's tickets not flowing correctly

Rebecca Wiley September 20, 2021

Hi all,

I have assigned a new service desk team member to assign and change the status of incoming support tickets. For some reason, whether he creates the ticket or just receives it through the portal, as soon as he fills in the necessary information, such as account, estimated time, etc., the ticket is automatically moved into the queue called "Resolved," even if it's marked as In Progress or Waiting for Support. I'm not sure why this is happening for him, because I've set up lots of folks, and it's never happened before.

Could someone please advise how to resolve this? Thanks!

Rebecca Wiley

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Jack Brickey
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September 20, 2021

The first place I would look is Automation. If nothing appears obvious I would ask the agent to update a test ticket one field at a time and inspect the results to try to zero in on what specific action is causing this.

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