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Members of this team should only receive the email from JIRA "", If

Sreenadh February 21, 2023


I have created group name is GalaxE Prod Support Group

Members of this team should only receive the email from JIRA "", If the ticket is created by any members from this group "GalaxE Prod Support Group".

is this possible in JSM if yes please help me out on the same.




1 answer

1 vote
Guruprasad Shenoy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 21, 2023

Hi @Sreenadh ,


you can achieve this by using automation 


create an automation rule that when an item is created and person who created that item belongs to  GalaxE Prod Support Group  then sends an email 


adding the images for your reference 

auto 2.pngauto 1.png

in criteria u can add  GalaxE Prod Support Group


Hope this helps :-)


Sreenadh February 21, 2023

Hi @Guruprasad Shenoy 

I did not see the Initiator is in administrators  activity on the Automation rule.

Please help me out on the steps to create the Automation rule.


Guruprasad Shenoy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 21, 2023

Hi @Sreenadh ,

while creating the automation this are the option you need to select following things 


step 1 : for Trigger select issue created option

step 2 : then add new condition 

step 3: select User Condition 

auto 4.png

step 4: configure the below field as mentioned in the below image for criteria you will get an option to select group  GalaxE Prod Support Group 


auto 5.png

step 5 : select send email as action item 

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