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Marketplace apps shows up in reporting as user

Melle van Keulen September 29, 2022

In Jira Service Management you have a standard reports page. One of the reports is Workload of the workforce. 

This should only contain our workforce, but as seen below, it also includes some of the marketplace apps we use (?!). I wonder why they are added in thsi overview. Their userprofile doesn't exists anywhere in our Jira instance.




Anyone ideas on how to remove this from the overview?


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Oliver Siebenmarck _Polymetis Apps_
Rising Star
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September 29, 2022

Hi @Melle van Keulen ,

Every app gets a user on your Jira instance – that is normal and usually not a problem. In fact it's useful, because some apps perform actions, like updating issues and you get to find out which app it was.

However, in most UI views, Jira filters app users so that you do not see them. You cannot add an app to project for example or assign it an issue.

Unfortunately, it's only most views, not all views. The report you're looking at seem to be one example where app users leak into the UI. I can also confirm that our JSM behaves the same, even though only a subset of all installed apps is shown.

If it really bothers you, I would recommend filing a bug report with Atlassian.

Best regards,

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