JiraService Desk

Nadim Jarjour October 6, 2014

Hello Team,

There is any way to update the issue status from the customer portal by the customer himself ?


ex :

Issue opened from JSD : Status opened

The BA need more information about the issues : Status need more information

When the customer add these information can he update the issue status to "provided the information" ?



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October 7, 2014

If you using default Service Desk workflow it has statuses "Waiting for Support" and "Waiting for Customer". Once SD request is submitted by customer JIRA issue transitions to "Waiting for Support" state.

If agent needs more information he chooses "Respond to Customer" transition which is accompanied by screen prompting for comment and issue transitions to "Waiting for Customer" state. When customer clicks on this issue in "My Issues" view he will see the issue in status "Waiting for Customer". He can enter his comment with requested information which will transition the issue back to "Waiting for Support" state. 

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