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Jira email notification just stopped working

Eva Bjornsdottir
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July 19, 2022

Jira auto notifications just stopped working few months ago. I have tried to resolve this myself and read all the articles, tried all the resolutions that I am able to try on my own with no results.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.  I am currently not receiving any email when tasks are logged and assigned to me, or when they are resolved - nothing at all.

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Jack Brickey
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July 19, 2022

Hi @Eva Bjornsdottir ,

to really assist effectively it would help to know what you have tried. Having said that here are some things to answer/consider...

  • is this CMP project?
  • this is JSM correct?
  • Are the notifications going to the agents? Customers? Watchers? None?
  • can you share your Customer notifications and agent/watcher notifications configuration?
  • what actions are you performing that result in no notifications?
Eva Bjornsdottir
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 19, 2022

Hi Jack,

It is five projects in total that I am part of. Team Managed Software x1, Service Management x2, and Team-Managed Business x2.

We have gone over all settings for each project as well as my individual settings and compared them to the individual settings of others. Nothing seems out of the ordinary and my settings are the same as others. Everyone else gets notification emails, no matter the project they are apart of, whether it is a tag in a comment, changes in an issue that one is a watcher of, changes in assignee. As far as I know, all customers get notifications.

If someone tags me in a comment, assigns me to an issue, etc. Whether or not I am a watcher makes no difference. I receive no notification via email, making it difficult for me to monitor my issues.


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