JSM June Superlatives - "Who is most likely to..."

Emily Dang
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2024

Hi Community! For JSM June, let’s honor our favorite teammates who help our organizations operate smoothly every day. We know there are different characters on each team so we want to know…


Who is most likely to…

  • 🐟 Track their goldfish collection with Assets
  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge
  • 👩‍💻 Use JQL even when they don't have to
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores

Comment on this post and tag a teammate who most resembles any of the superlatives above. All responses will receive the exclusive JSM June Superlatives badge. We can’t wait to meet your team!

JSM June Community Badge - JSM Superlatives.png

Don't forget:

  • You can keep track of all JSM June activities and challenges here. ☀️ Commenting on three or more JSM June challenges will earn you the mega JSM June Community badge.

  • New to Jira Service Management? Learn more here.

  • Have a question about Jira Service Management? Drop your questions in our Ask Me Anything (AMA) post

6 answers

5 votes
Amanda Barber
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 20, 2024

My company is small, yet mighty so most of these are covered by just a few of us!

  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - Jared!
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - definitely me :)
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - Also me...
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - Kaitlin
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge - Me 
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - Me or Kaitlin
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - Jared
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents - Kaitlin
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta - Me
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions - Me
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - Me


5 votes
Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 20, 2024

Oh boy. Some of these resonate...

Who is most likely to…

  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - Hindy
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - Steph
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - Steve
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - Andy (myself)
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge - Yehoshua
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - Barb
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - Esti
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents - Reitzu
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta - Alex
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions - Chaya
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - Mendy
4 votes
Susan Waldrip
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 24, 2024

How fun! Thanks @Andy Gladstone and @Amanda Barber for setting the stage on this one.

  • 🐟 Track their goldfish collection with Assets - Kyle
  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - Kyle
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - Me!
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - Kayla
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - Me
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge- Kyle
  • 👩‍💻 Use JQL even when they don't have to - Kayla
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - Kayla
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - Kyle
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents- Kyle & Kayla
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta - Kyle & Kayla
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira "expert" for all their team’s questions - Me
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - Kyle
3 votes
Summer Hogan
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 24, 2024

This is a fun activity @Emily DangThanks @Andy Gladstone and @Amanda Barber for teaching me how to do this one! 

  • 🐟 Track their goldfish collection with Assets - Casey
  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - probably me or Mukunda 
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - Skylar
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - probably me
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - definitely me
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge - Mukunda
  • 👩‍💻 Use JQL even when they don't have to - not sure
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - definitely me
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - Mukunda, Gokul and Derik
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents - me
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta - Mukunda, Gokul and Derik
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions - Ian
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - me
2 votes
Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 26, 2024

There were be a lot of repeats..

  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - Me!
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - myself, but with a normal coffee
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - Bob
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - Kleber
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge - Keith
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - Not me
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - toss up
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents - We're all pretty patient
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well that they have time for a midday siesta - Me
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions - Me
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - Keith
1 vote
Nicole Richey
June 26, 2024
  • 🐟 Track their goldfish collection with Assets - Me 
  • ⌛ Resolve incidents the quickest, even major incidents - Amylynn
  • ☕ Let Atlassian Intelligence do all the hard work for them as they sip a cappuccino - Sam
  • 🎥 Name their virtual agent after a character from a movie or tv show - John
  • 📚 Review and refresh their knowledge base more frequently than getting their inbox to 0 - Me
  • 💥 Be the first person on an incident response bridge - John
  • 👩‍💻 Use JQL even when they don't have to - Me 
  • 📄 Write the most comprehensive and clear documentation for their team - Me
  • 🦸🏻‍♀️ Be the team’s hero by preventing incidents before they occur - Buff
  • 🧘‍♀️ Offer the most patient and effective support during high-stress incidents - Heidi
  • 😴 Automate tasks so well they have time for a midday siesta - Sam
  • 🧠  the calmest and most helpful Jira expert for all their team’s questions - Danny
  • 🧹 Create SLAs for their household chores - Me

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