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JSM Email requests Reporter is not the Sender

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June 13, 2024


We have Emails Requests enabled with a Jira Service Management project. So, when one of our customers sends an email to our Support email address, it creates a ticket. That part works fine.


Except I realised that some (only some) tickets are created with our support email address as Reporter, instead of the initial Sender, the client.

I can't figure out why sometimes the reporter is as expected, and sometimes it's our support email.

Expected behavior

Reporter field is filled with Sender (client) email every time.

What I checked

- The Incoming Mail section. Most advice on Internet suggest to set it up. But for JSM email requests it goes through JSM mail handler that is different. Here is a screenshot of our Incoming Mail settings:


- Project settings > Email requests > Manage Allow list (did not do anything)

- Project permissions are fine too (proved since it works in some cases)

- Customer permissions:


Ok, I did my best to explain it all. I did check similar issues here but could not find any fix unfortunately. I'm happy to add any additional info that would help.

1 answer

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Elena Lurye June 13, 2024

Hi @Solène ,

Can you also check the project's email requests logs?
Go to Project settings --> Email requests, and then View logs:

Image 6-13-24 at 10.18 PM.jpeg

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 17, 2024

Hi! I have checked the logs indeed. I cannot put a screenshot since there are many emails in there, but the logs are fine. Each request is logged as "new request".

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