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JQL generation?

Victor Tobon December 20, 2021

Good morning community,

I ask your help to generate a jql Filter since I have this as general

project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", HANA) AND (assignee in membersOf (ExtInc_Benefits) OR project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf ("Kanban Transversal") OR project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", "Help Desk", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf (" MDP Online ") OR project in (" IT Service Desk "," ER-Data Factory ", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf (" MDP TC3 ") OR project in (" IT Service Desk "," ER-Data Factory ", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf ("Ticket Car") OR project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf (OPAM) OR project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER -Data Factory ", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf (Business) OR assignee in membersOf (WarRoom) OR project in (" IT Service Desk "," ER-Data Factory ", HANA) AND assignee in membersOf (AS400)) AND issuetype not in (Users, Affiliates, Problem) AND createdDate> startOfMonth (-1) A ND createdDate <startOfMonth ()


that gives me a total of 3797, but when I want to get those that comply with SLA and those that do not comply with it but do not match the total, someone could tell me if there is another way to search or perform the colsuta.

I share the filters  

project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", HANA) AND (assignee in membersOf(ExtInc_Benefits) OR assignee in membersOf("Kanban Transversal") OR assignee in membersOf("MDP Online") OR assignee in membersOf("MDP TC3") OR assignee in membersOf("Ticket Car") OR assignee in membersOf(OPAM) OR assignee in membersOf(Empresarial) OR assignee in membersOf(WarRoom) OR assignee in membersOf(AS400)) AND issuetype not in (Usuarios, Afiliados, Problem) AND createdDate > startOfMonth(-1) AND createdDate < startOfMonth() AND ("Time to first response" = running() AND "Time to resolution" != breached() OR "Time to first response" = paused() AND "Time to resolution" != breached() OR "Time to first response" = completed() AND "Time to resolution" != breached() OR "Time to first response" = breached() AND "Time to resolution" != breached() OR "Time to close after resolution" = breached() OR "Time to close after resolution" != breached() OR "Time In Validation" = breached() OR "Time In Validation" != breached()) 

this is the one with the compliments and this for the unfulfilled 

project in ("IT Service Desk", "ER-Data Factory", HANA) AND (assignee in membersOf(ExtInc_Benefits) OR assignee in membersOf("Kanban Transversal") OR assignee in membersOf("MDP Online") OR assignee in membersOf("MDP TC3") OR assignee in membersOf("Ticket Car") OR assignee in membersOf(OPAM) OR assignee in membersOf(Empresarial) OR assignee in membersOf(WarRoom) OR assignee in membersOf(AS400)) AND issuetype not in (Usuarios, Afiliados, Problem) AND createdDate > startOfMonth(-1) AND createdDate < startOfMonth() AND "Time to resolution" = breached() 

when adding the total of both filters does not give me the general filter number missing 312 tickets

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Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
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December 20, 2021

Hi @Victor Tobon 

Please let us know exactly which issues you would like to filter using those JQLs. It would be much easier to create a JQL understanding its purpose.

I see few problems with provided JQL.

  • You use different projects and groups in those queries. For example you have "Help Desk" project in first JQL query that do not exist in following queries. You also use for example Empresarial group in second and third query that do not exist in first one.
  • You have some duplicates in your queries. For example you use something like
    project in (AAA,BBB) AND (project in (AAA,BBB) AND assignee in membersOf(XXX) OR ...)
    You dont have to use second project statement - its redundant in this context to that fiirst one.
  • Your JQL query is not optimized and therefore hard to read and understand. For example instead of using:
    project in (AAA,BBB) AND assignee in membersOf(XXX) OR project in (AAA,BBB) AND assignee in membersOf(YYY)
    you can write:
    project in (AAA,BBB) AND assignee in (membersOf(XXX),membersOf(YYY))


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