JIRA Automation - Advanced compare condition

Emery Manayan
July 27, 2023


May I ask for assistance on how to correct the attached automation?

The goal is when a ticket comes in from a user; we should check the email address if it contains certain company names (more than 3) and so it will add a participant in the ticket and will send an email. JIRA Automation.png

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Jehan Bhathena
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July 27, 2023

Hi @Emery Manayan ,

Please can you elaborate what isn't working in the above automation?

As per https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-automation-conditions/#Advanced-compare-condition, you have used the correct regex.

Although I see that you've used Capital alphabets in the "Regular Expression" field, you need to make the check case insensitive if you're not sure of the case that will be used in the input


Emery Manayan
July 27, 2023


Thanks for answering and noticing my question :)

Is my smart value for the reporter's email correct? 

Will it recognize, if for example the user is Paul.Walker@redsunlife.com? (Like it will read the whole email address and it will smartly identify that the email contains the word "sunlife"?)


These are my actions for this automation, and they did not trigger the email nor add the participant. That is why I suspect my IF CONDITION is INCORRECT.

JIRA Automation2.png

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Jehan Bhathena
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July 27, 2023

I've checked this at my end too. You need to make the regex case insensitive, adding the syntax below. (reference : https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Marketplace-Apps-Integrations/Regex-format-for-case-insensitivity-in-Automation-for-Jira/qaq-p/1446866#M74007)

Below is the condition you'd want to use: 


Hope this helps :-)

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Emery Manayan
July 27, 2023

Thanks Jehan, let me try this.

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Emery Manayan
July 27, 2023

Quick question - do I have to use (?!)(zurich|sunlife) or just zurich|sunlife?

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Emery Manayan
July 27, 2023


It did not work for me ;(


JIRA Automation3.png

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Jehan Bhathena
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July 27, 2023

(?!)(zurich|sunlife) this is what you need to use.

It works when I checked here : https://regex101.com/r/8wgXqx/1


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Jehan Bhathena
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July 27, 2023

Hi @Emery Manayan ,

Do let us know if the regex worked for you.

Also, if this answer helped you, would be great if you could mark the answer as Accepted.

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Emery Manayan
July 28, 2023

Hello @Jehan Bhathena ,

This one works for me -- (ceva|sunlife|chubb|fwd).

I will try more but I am happy that the above is working. Thank you so much :)

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