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Is their a way to see the SLA due date & time from within a ticket?

sally usherwood August 24, 2021

Hi Everyone,

When looking at a ticket from a queue, you can hover over the Resolution SLA and it will advise the date & time the SLA will breach:

Viewing from a queue.PNG

When looking within the ticket itself (more so closed tickets) I can't seem to locate the due date and time, It tells me how many hours ago it breached / passed SLA but not the time it was due. Trying to work this out manually with all the different status changes is time-consuming and wondered if there was an easier way, please.


within the ticket.PNGThank You All :) 

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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September 10, 2021

@sally usherwood Welcome to the Atlassian Community

I looked into this and the functionality does not currently exist.  It looks like there is a feature request for this functionality that you should vote for here:

sally usherwood September 14, 2021

Hello Brant, 

Thank you very much for your response, I appreciate the feedback and will indeed look at

Thanks again,


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