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Is it possible to look up Insight object based on current reporter, then compare with a reference?

Patrick Doyle March 19, 2022

I have an Equipment object schema with a Devices object type and an Employee object schema with a Person object type.  The Person object type has an 'Allowed Devices' reference attribute that is linked to the Devices object type.  I also have a service desk project with a custom field named 'Affected Devices'.

The Person object type will have a User field and each Jira user will have an associated Person object.

I would like to be able to have the Affected Devices be a list of all Device objects, filtered by what the current user or reporter has access to based on the 'Allowed Devices' list.  After reading the IQL docs it seems that most of this is possible however the part I am unclear on is if I would be able to use the ${reporter} variable to first look up the reporter's Person object and then use that with the inboundReferences() function.  Is this possible?  Or maybe there is an easier way to do this?

Edit: My explanation is probably not the best so going try with sql... this is basically want I am trying to do:

select * from Equipment.Devices where Devices.Name in (select Allowed Devices from Employee.Person where Person.User = ${reporter})



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