I want to integrate Jira service desk with microsoft teams. So that JSD can send msgs to teams

Shubham Asthana
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September 25, 2020

I want Jira service desk to send notification msgs to microsoft teams as chat messages. I tried to find  below automation action in project settings but it is not there,


3 answers

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Steven Lees-Smith
May 11, 2022

Apologies for the necro post here, but with this process can you mention the assigned agent somehow?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
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September 28, 2020

Hello @Shubham Asthana

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

These would be the steps to properly configure the action "Send Microsoft Teams message" action in your automation rules:

1 - For Classic projects of Jira Service Desk Cloud:

  • Navigate to the Project > Project settings > Project Automation (Not automation)
  • Click to create a new automation rule
  • Select a trigger for your automation and then an action, scrolling down to the Notification section and selecting the "Send Microsoft Teams message"
    Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 17.12.09.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-28 at 17.12.53.png

2 - For Next-gen Projects of Jira Service Desk Cloud:

  • Navigate to the project > Project settings > Apps > Project Automation
  • Click to create a new automation rule
  • Select a trigger for your automation and then an action, scrolling down to the Notification section and selecting the "Send Microsoft Teams message"

If the instructions above didn't work for you, can you please send us a screenshot of what actions appear when creating an Automation rule under the notification section in your project together with the project type (Next-gen or Classic)?

Let us know if you have any questions.

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Brant Schroeder
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September 27, 2020

I believe that you need to go to System--> WebHooks and click on create webhook, it will ask you Name, status, URL etc. Provide the WebHook URL there and select the events you would like.  This should get the notifications working for you.

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