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How to create external and internal Knowledge base

Oxana Ermolaeva September 13, 2022

Hi. I need to create 2 knowledge bases. One for our customers, where they can find answers to FAQS, how-to articles and so on. And another one internal for our team, new workers. One KB is already created in Jira in Service Desk, I think it will be better to use it for customers right? How to create another one for team members? If I create 2 knowledge bases, would be they be separate? I want customers to have access only to KB for customers, so when they search a question in a search bar, articles only for them should be displayed, not articles from a KB for team workers. I hope u can help me with it and explain in details. Thank you all in advance.

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Laura Campbell _Seibert Media_
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September 13, 2022

Hello @Oxana Ermolaeva ,

You can create a Knowledge base directly from a Jira Service Management project so customers can access it, like you mention.

For the internal knowledge base for your team, I would recommend using Confluence and creating a new space (or multiple spaces depending on your needs). You can set permissions for your Confluence so only employees who are logged in can see it.

Here's a quick demo of what it looks like to use the knowledge base from within JSM, versus going to Confluence and creating a new space (that customers would not be able to see). I obviously did not go all the way actually creating content in the demo.

Creating knowlege bases-min.gif

To better understand what is behind the templated spaces you see, check out this documentation:

Oxana Ermolaeva September 14, 2022

@Laura Campbell _Seibert Media_ , hi. With your demo it is more clear now, I will try to do it. Thank you so much.

Adam Gołaszewski June 16, 2023

Hi, i came across this post. I have a similar use case but I don't want to grant my agent's confluence licenses and I want them to see the KB's (from the issue view) that are internal to them only. Is this possible?

Tony Mottes June 27, 2023

@Adam Gołaszewski If you haven't already, you might want to look at this workaround.

Restricting Knowledge Base articles to a group of customers 

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Kamilia Binti Julaihi August 19, 2024

Hi, do internal knowledge base users need a Confluence license? We're limiting Confluence licenses to our agents, but they can still view the internal knowledge base.

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