How to automate transition from "Awaiting Resolved Approval" to "Resolved" after 60-days?

Andy Greenwood April 4, 2022


I have over 1200 tickets in my main project that are status "Awaiting Resolved Approval" going back about 18-months. My Reporters are really bad at returning and closing off their requests....

Because "Awaiting Resolved Approval" is categorised as "In Progress" this is messing with my Status Category reports as it appears I have loads of unfinished work.

I'd like to automate it so that any ticket that is "Awaiting Resolved Approval" for more than say, 60-days is automatically transitioned to Resolved. I'd also pop them a comment to let them know.

I've found a rule in Automation Library (Resolve issues due to inactivity) that promises to work. I've changed the JQL to be "status = "Awaiting Resolved Approval" and updated < -505d" [the 505 days is my time frame to just pick off the oldest while testing]

However, I can't seem to succeed. It keeps throwing the "Some Errors" with the detail 

Transition issue
Destination status could not be resolved. If using a smart-value ensure this resolves to a numeric status ID or untranslated name for issues (with current status):
I'm not sure if it's because my Automation for Jira actor hasn't the right permissions to do this or if there's another snag, but any help with achieving my outcome would be very much appreciated.
Thanks very much in advance,
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2 answers

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Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 4, 2022

Hi @Andy Greenwood ,

Can you show us workflow conditions and validators on your "Client Approved" transition? Maybe you have some requirements that your rule/actor does not meet.

Futhermore please verify if your rule actor has neccessary permission to make such transition (min. browse project, transition issue, maybe resolve issue permission). You can verify current rule actor in Rule details, and check permission in permission scheme associated with that project.

Best regards,

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 4, 2022

Please also verify if you are using untranslated status names. Maybe on your workflow you are not using Resolved status (maybe its just translated to Resolved due to your selected prefered language). I believe you can find untranslated status name used in this workflow by clicking View workflow inside issue.  

Andy Greenwood April 5, 2022

Hi Piotr, thank you for your advice. Priceless.

As soon as I get a moment, I'll start investigating and see where it takes me. I hadn't thought of untranslated names.



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Jack Brickey
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April 4, 2022

First don't run this every 5m as that is an unnecessary performance hit on your system. Rather run this daily. Second you are going to want a condition that checks the time it has been in the one status and when it meets the criteria then execute your action to resolve it.

trigger - scheduled daily

condition - JQL - Status = "Awaiting Resolved Approval" and status changed TO "Awaiting Resolved Approval" before startOfDay(-60) 

action - comment on issue

action - transition issue

Piotr Zadrożny _Eyzee_
Community Leader
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April 4, 2022

Hi @Jack Brickey ,

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that your condition can include more issues that is needed.

For example if 70 days ago issue will transition to Awaiting Resolved Approval and than 65 days ago the Client will make "Client Declined" transition. Then after 60 days (5 days ago) the issue will be solved once more by transition Submit to Client sign-off. I believe that your JQL will include also such issues even if it is in fact only 5 days in  "Awaiting Resolved Approval" status. 

Maybe combining your JQL with Andy's would be better suited?:

status = "Awaiting Resolved Approval" AND status CHANGED TO "Awaiting Resolved Approval" BEFORE startOfDay(-60d) AND updated < startOfDay(-60d)

Please let me know what you think.

Best regards,


Andy Greenwood April 5, 2022

Hi Jack, thanks for your advice. When I get  a get a moment I'll start investigating again and try your suggestions. 

I actually think that my key issue is that it is not transitioning to Resolved so I need to solve that first. But refining the JQL is definitely a great idea as I think my current one is a bit clunky.



Jack Brickey
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April 5, 2022

If it isn't transitioning then it is likely in your workflow. Possible things to check:

  • condition restricting the transition 
  • Validator requiring a field, etc.

I do see your transition is "client approved" so wonder if indeed there is some approval set up. If so consider a separate transition specifically for bypassing the approval.

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