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How do I receive requests at our custom email address?

zigojacko August 24, 2021

We've connected a custom email address to our account but how do we get customers that email our company support email address (that we've connected) requests to come through that (and when we reply, they also come from our email address).

I've tried to find documentation on this but nothing seems to actually cover that bit that I could find.

If I email our account directly then the request is received but we want every email that comes in to our own email address to create a request in Jira Service Management.

I am assuming I need to set up a forwarder from our own email address to our one but wanted to double check that this would allow us to send/receive emails correctly with our own email address.

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zigojacko August 26, 2021

Eventually got this working thanks to partner assistance via Twitter and Atlassian support...

If it's of any use to others:-

All our email is routed via Google Workspace (Gmail's servers) and for our support mailbox, we have a forwarder in place from Google to our current ticket helpdesk provider but the forwarder marks emails as read at the same time as forwarding so as this was removing the 'Unread' status they were never coming through to JSM.

It was simple enough to change the read status on the forwarder and now we have the emails to this address being created as requests so we can continue testing our Jira without it affecting our current workflow set up with our current provider.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 24, 2021

It is quite straightforward I think. Project settings > email requests and add custom email address. See if this helps - add-an-email-account 

zigojacko August 24, 2021

Sorry if I wasn't clear but that is exactly what I have already done...

Now what? That page seems to be missing a very important step of actually getting emails to turn into requests in the service desk.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 24, 2021

If you have a custom field and you have associated a request type to that email address than any email sent to that customer address should result in a ticket being created. Then if say the customer replies to the notification from JSM then a comment should be added to the same issue.

zigojacko August 24, 2021

Where do you set up a custom field and associate it to a request type? I can't see any options for this.

Is that really required to just receive the emails going to our email address?


zigojacko August 24, 2021

Ah, I just found this article -

When I check here, I have both the atlassian email and my custom email both set to 'Emailed request' currently.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 24, 2021

Yep. If you wanted to have two emails for any reason then ensure that you were using different request types. Otherwise just remove it from the Atlassian email and add it to your custom email. 

zigojacko August 24, 2021

I'm really sorry but I still have no idea where or what you are referring to :(

It already has request type assigned to the custom email account (by default).

If I sent a test email to our own email address that is connected as a custom email account, nothing shows up in the queue. Only if I send it to direct to the Atlassian address.

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